110. Behavior Change Wellness Inspired by Alex Hormozi

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Isabelle Wellman believes life is an enthusiastic adventure; one that is charged by our innate human hunger for growth, connection, and having fun.

Since 2017, She has been on a devoted wellness quest, inspired by authentic conversations on topics such as optimal health, nutrition, strength training, psychology, sustainability, mindfulness, childhood trauma, energetics, personal relationships, living symbiotically with the land, and more.

Transparency, discipline, and unshakable belief have been an integral part of Isabelle's journey to self-actualization.

Today, Isabelle releases the first episode for "The Isabelle Wellman Show's" next era. She shares inspired lessons from Business man and Entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi, while sprinkling in meaningful personal experiences from triumphs to tribulations.

In this episode Isabelle will have you consider where you are in life, if you're paddling upstream into resistance, and how to better use your internal knowing to move forward in life by upgrading your wellness and shifting your behavior.

At the end of the show, Isabelle will challenge you to ponder what it might feel like to shift your perspective on setting a New Years Eve Resolution by learning the toxicity behind it, and a better, more meaningful way to grow, together.


109. Astrology Series pt.8 Chiron