EP./41: Your Perception, Using Substances, and Never Missing a Moment


Welcome back to another episode of Incredibelle Conversations with Earl Hooks! This episode explores our own personal use of substances and how it often starts without intention. Whatever your choice of substance is, there's usually an "escape" desire behind the use. As we learn, grow, and make big decisions, we begin to understand we do not need these substances to "be". Instead, we learn that there are better ways of tapping into the medicine behind some of these substances with other techniques like breath work, journaling, or visualization meditation. Even eating a healthier diet or drinking herbal teas can help us enter this new way of operating. If you're someone who's ready to not miss another moment, this podcast is for you. If you're someone who may be experiencing an addiction to any substance and would like to talk about it, please reach out to me via isabelle@isabellewellman.com


EP./42: Heal by Sharing your Story w/ Bria Zoe


EP./40: Cycles of Women: Astrology, Seasons, Menstruation