S3 E18: Resilience Against Stress w/ Christian Van Camp


Building a resilience against stress, how do we do it and why can it save us? Our bodies are naturally meant to undergo stress; however, there’s Ustress and Distress, or Chronic stress. Understanding how to optimally tap into utilizing positive stress, or stress we choose, to further our “suffer threshold” when it comes to the mind, the body, and soul through beneficial practices can allow us to re-wire our brain/bodies reactions to be calm and conscious. When we haven’t implemented an awareness practice to how our bodies feel in intense situations, our bodies release the “fight or flight” mode chemicals that are great- unless there’s no life or death situation happening. When these chemicals are excreted in extreme amounts, it can lead to hypertension, biomechanic implications, emotional fatigue; all things we aren’t trying to achieve! As you listen to the show, reflect on where you could start implementing small switches in your own life that could reduce your overall daily stress, and let me know what you observe within you body! Check out Christian Van Camp on Instagram @cvc.wellness and all his amazing coaching opportunity and knowledge!


S3 E19: How to seek redemption in 2021 on the Leo Full Moon w/ Valeria Torres


S3 E17: Women of the World: Accepting, Surrendering, & Healing through Loss & Grief w/ Lex St.Cyr