The 4 Phase menstrual cycle

WHat's The Menstruation Cycyle?

Females undergo this cycle to ready our bodies for their largest task in life: birthing a child!

  • This Cycle is anywhere from 28-35 days

  • What happens? An egg is developed & released

  • The uterus lining builds up, and in the chance that pregnancy isn't in the cards, it shed! Wah-lah, the sacred bleed

  • Hormones fluctuate throughout the entire 28-35 day cycle

The Hormones behind the cycle:


Estrogen Regulates: Creating babies, skin and bone health, cholesterol, boobs, cognitive function, heart, mood (you get it, it's a big deal)

Enables the function of: Ovaries, Vagina, Uterus, Breast


Is created during the Ovulation phase to create the perfect environment for fertilizing an egg.

When an egg isn't fertilized, progesterone levels naturally lower as your cycle moves onward.


Testosterone is made in small quantities in the female body v.s the male.

Responsible for: high sex drives, wanting to socialize, higher energy levels, ability to get shit done!

There's a small "bump" of testosterone in the middle of your cycle.

The 4 phases

Phase 1: The Menstrual Phase (bleeding, the period):

  • Day 1 of your bleed! Lasting 3-4 days (regular) up to 8 days.

  • Body Objective: To clear out the blood/uterine lining.

  • Important to support the body during this sacred time of REST & slow moving.

  • Body is in need of iron/magnesium rich food to support the release of the uterus lining.

  • The bodies inner-Winter

Body care:

Answer the cravings with dark chocolate, red meats, dark leafy greens, avocados, wild-caught fish, bananas, cod-liver oil, & half your weight in h20 a day!

  • Excess coffee/caffine in few days before and after if you experience cramps

  • Rose tea, Vitex Root

  • Sleep extra, treat yourself to a massage, eat warming foods

Phase 2: Follicular Phase

  • Estrogen + Testosterone levels are beginning to rise as the uterine lining / egg maturation begins!

  • Nourish the body with high protein and fat to support the body in this growth cycle.

  • Listen to what the body is asking for: more movement, organize your "plan of attack"

  • The bodies inner-Spring

Body care:

  • Balance blood sugar levels with complex carbs and natural sugars

  • water! Lots of it!

  • Herb: Nettles

  • Great time for that crossfit workout or HIIT activity!

  • Your energy is building, and so is your creativity! New endeavors are now supported

  • Root veggies, oats, quinoa, lentils, salmon, eggs

Phase 3: Ovulation Phase

  • Occurs around the mid-point of your cycle. (14 - 16 days)

  • Lasts 1 week-ish while egg releases from ovary to Fallopian Tubes.

  • Body may feel warmer as your temperature increases .5 degrees, you may also feel like being a social bug

  • Perfect time to make a baby (the only time you can become pregnant)

  • The bodies inner-Summer

FYI: Your mood may shift after this phase, that’s okay! The high estrogen levels have dropped and the progesterone hasn't kicked in yet. Get yourself a decaf latte and watch a movie!

Body care:

  • Leafy greens, veggies, rice, cold-water fish = optimal food

  • Eat a mix of raw and cooked foods

  • Maca a few days before /after ovulation can help balance hormones

  • Shatavari = boost/support libido during this active phase

  • Stiffness in abdominal, hips, and lower back may present, indulge in flow movements such as yoga or dance

  • Try hip opening gentle yoga for relief

  • It feels good to be back out in the world, go and socialize!

Phase 4: Luteal Phase

  • Starts 1 week after ovulation and lasts until the end of your cycle (1st day of bleed)

  • Uterine wall thickens

  • Protein, fats, warming food will help prep the body for menstruation

  • the bodies inner-fall

Body care:

  • Water! Same foods as previous phase will support the body

  • Avoiding alcohol and caffine can decrease the liklihood of PMS

  • Raspberry leaf and cramp bark are greats herbs prior to bleeding

  • Burdock root helps with the increase of hormones by detoxifying the liver

  • Bloating? Danalion root!

  • Light exercise can help balance the mood and hormones prior to the time of rest that is needed during menstruation.

  • The body wants to slow down... let it!

    Focus on meditating, journaling, yoga, gentle movements.

    Begin to schedule your upcoming "rest days"

Below us a graph of the Cycle for better interpretation:

Signs of irregular menstruation:

1. Skipped Periods

  • Overexercising; if your body doesn't have enough body fat, you'll miss your period. Hormones need fat to be produced!

  • Birth Control; creates a dysfunctional system between the brain/endocrine system

    2. Heavy Bleeding

    • Noncancerous growths, hormone imbalance,

    3. Abnormally short/long periods

4. Intense Cramps

Typically occur 2 days before and 2-4 days into the menstruation portion of your cycle.

Cramps are normal due to uterus contracting to shed. However, STD's, issues with IUD's, and other issues could be the cause. (Also take inventory of your diet!)

5. Painful breasts

6. Blood between periods

What are the consequences of being out of sync?

  • Low mood

  • Struggle to maintain a healthy weight

  • Weak immune system

  • Late melatonin release

  • Eating before bed hinders the production of melatonin & keeps us up

  • Overall disease development

  • Poor toxin removal

Honoring your menstrual cycle is one of the easiest ways to find peace in and with your life. If you’re experiencing menopause, check out the work of Stacey T. Sims, PhD by clicking here


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