realign & thrive with ISABELLE





It’s time to train

with your physiology in mind

And in return, experience optimal energy in 90 days

Let’s face it- female and male physiology is different.

Hormones within the body react differently to nutrition, exercise, mindset, and how you rest and recover.

On top of that, it can be challenging to feel like you’re moving forward in the “right direction” when there’s a new fad around every corner and hundreds of avenues of information coming at you from all sides.

Our modern society has become driven by convenience, overwhelmed with each new technology, and bombarded with healing generation trauma- and instead of prospering from these modern conveniences, many are suffering..

Suffering from loneliness, laziness, weight gain, decision fatigue, comparison, and feeling inadequate.

Discover your unique healthy lifestyle map

Most coaches can miss a crucial part of working 1:1 with someone-

and no, it’s not a manifestation tip that will change your perspective, a pill that will help you shed 10lb, or one-size fits all exercise plan..

It’s sustainable, easy to implement, and a foundational building block of becoming the hero/ine of your own story.

it’s identifying where you can simplify your life and come back into balance with who you are, now.

It’s finding a way to listen to your truth and act in accordance with those parts of yourself that wish to fulfill a dream.

It’s initiating yourself into like-minded community, believing in your potential, and practically taking steps towards your goals.

Together, we will seamlessly upgrade your habits,

establish a bulletproof immune-system,

and cultivate a movement practice that feels invigorating,

so you can lead with purpose on a sustainable level.

Coaching is different for everyone

Our time together kicks off by listening to your unique story and sharing how to operate as a hormonal human either by Menstrual Cycle or 24-hour Cycle (Menstrual for women, 24hr for men). The difference you’ll experience with this methodology is seen and felt in the quick, positive ripple effect instantaneously sent out into your internal and external world; there’s no doubt you’ll feel like a refreshed version of you.

Next, I value looking at the 6 areas of life that construct your unique Health Map:

  • Your Values, Moral Compass, and Purpose

  • Nutrition and Gut Health

  • Sleep, Routine, and Recovery

  • Movement routines

  • Relationships and Community

  • Time spent in Nature

This Health Map guides you in cultivating overall alignment, clarity, and fortitude in who you are and who you are becoming.

Together, we will quantify your physical, mental, and emotional health intentions to build muscle and burn fat, cultivate an unbreakable self-belief, and courageously lead a life you’re enthusiastic about!


Isabelle Wellman

As a young girl I overtrained, had little to no acceptance for who I was, and developed an eating disorder as punishment for things out of my control.

Post senior year of highschool, I choose to believe in what I wanted for once- and that went against the social norm in every way possible. I opted out of college due to my lack of clarity, and followed my heart in wanting to pursue skiing and snowboarding in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains.

After 5 years of experimenting with endurance sports, weight lifting, cross-fit, various diets (vegetarian, vegan, keto, etc), and learning about healing childhood wounds, I returned to my roots in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and fell in love- with myself, the man of my dreams, and my purpose to share holistic living.

Of course- you cannot teach without experiencing what you’re preaching yourself, and I had two decades of experience with an exercise addiction, becoming a victim of food allergies, chronic BV/Yeast Infections, self-doubt, and burnt out adrenals with a giant move to Alaska and pursuing entrepreneurship.

This accumulation THREW me into having to gain awareness on how to live cyclically, and what living cyclically even meant!

For me, this part of my journey began in December of 2020.

I removed the Copper IUD birth control I had been on for ~3 years, leaned into sisterhood and ACCEPTED it, learned how to optimize my energy levels by tracking my menstrual cycle (activities, foods, exercises for each phase), and saw my first Naturopathic Doctor who prescribed me an herbal tea mixture, cotton underwear, a natural Ph balancing soap, and the cleansing of an elimination diet for 3 weeks.

After 90 days, my body healed tremendously.

I no longer relied on my addiction to stimulants (coffee) and over-exercising, I had cultivated a strong relationship with my menstrual cycle and rest, and I began to teach groups of women through my 6-week mind-body reset class.

Fast forward again to 2022… I learned I was severely anemic, thus beginning the next layer of inner-standing of my body, needs, and self prescribed limitations.

This health setback was a combination of my nervous system being zapped from feeling insecure with “imposter syndrome”, raising 7 puppies in a truck camper, and eating an uninformed vegan diet that resulted in nutrient deficiencies. I was completely humiliated, embarrassed, and felt like a poser to those who followed and worked with me from all over the world.

So… what did I do?

I created…

the Conscious Alignment Method:

SIMPLICITY + sustainability = alchemy

Fierce determination and focus became my best friends. I enrolled in the Chek Academy, where I have successfully experimented on myself to optimize and simplify my health from the inside out. I made a decision to go ALL IN.

I believed wholeheartedly in my own practices and intuition. As simple as starting with my night before routine where I focus on elevating my recovery through sleep, leading me to train with more integrity, dial in MY bodies prefered nutrition, and stayed consistent with my personal spiritual practices.

By believing in coming back to a simple routine, I’m enthusiastic to share that I am now living with my healthiest internal and most attractive external physique!

In this revolutionary and sustainable lifestyle, I have never felt stronger in my conviction or body, and have a clear sense of direction due to my limitless amount of natural energy.

This purposefulness has all come without the headache of being hyper-obsessed with macros, comparison with others, joint pain, decision fatigue, or over-exercising at the gym.

Crafting a heartfelt, personable, and realistic approach to healthy living for the long haul has become the cornerstone of why I teach and guide as I do.

About Me

My purpose is to simplify and energize people to live a more sustainable, cyclical, adventurous, connected, holistic, and harmonious life. I enjoy traveling the world, yet when I’m not exploring the Earth’s wonders, I call Reno, Nevada home with my two Border Collies Zenna and Elmer, and partner Daniel. My main values are simplicity and sustainability, intentionality and playfulness, cyclical living and health consciousness.

I believe that it’s never too late to change your life for the greater- whether that’s to impact your corner of the world at a personal, local, or worldwide level.

My education

For close to a decade I have been teaching others how to perform and recover at their highest octane physically, mentally, and emotionally, thus empowering them along their spiritual journey.

From the gym as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Chek HLC 1, Yoga Mat as a 200hr Yogaworks RYT, and Outdoors as a PSIA-AASI/USSA Certified Ski and Snowboard Coach, I’m equipped with years of experience within team/group dynamics as well as 1:1 settings.

My never ending thirst for growing in my own practice is fueled by being a current student with the Chek Institute Academy, a 5 year program that will further refine and amplify how I assist each of my clients in becoming their healthiest, happiest, and harmonious selves.

Undergoing Coaching with isabelle is like…

  • Feeling safe as a young girl who just received her first period & is looking for answers from other women in her life

  • Happy screaming from absolutely crushing a ski line that leaves you feeling on top of the world

  • Allowing yourself to simply let go of the power of other people’s judgements and skinny dip into Lake Tahoe at dusk

  • Seeing a friend that lives across the country for the first time in 2 years and falling right back into it as if you were never apart

  • The feeling of the sun kissing your skin with warmth as you eat a yummy picnic for two with a stellar mountain view

Eager to take the next step?

Join my email tribe & receive my exclusive Healthy Lifestyle Enthusiast Guide including:

  • Daily Health Vitals Checklist

  • 7 Movements to a Strong Body

  • Seasonal Eating Diet + Grocery Checklist

When you download this guide, you’ll be prompted with your first behavior shift TONIGHT!

How we do one thing is how we do everything, and our days always start the night before.

Get started on living a more sustainable, energized, and simplified life today💛