88: Jupiter Enters Taurus, Yoni Throat Connection, Stabilizing for More


Jupiter enters Taurus and in comes the era of utilizing your voice to speak proudly of your needs, wants, and desires. The planet of abundance and higher education, Jupiter, is enhancing the area of Taurus in your birth chart. Fixed sign and loyal by Nature, the Taurus archetype can be embodied by becoming rooted in healthy routines, stabilizing through slowing down, and taking a time out from a chaotic world to retreat into nature. In this podcast you'll learn how to apply this energy to your personal life, as well as hear a personal story on what it took to shake me awake and to utilize the sound of my voice.

⁠Yoni Throat Connection Article ⁠

⁠Mana Yi Retreat 2023⁠

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89: Get Unstuck: Your Numerology & Progressed Moon


EP./ 87: Move through identity shifts, reclaim scarcity mindset, release the exoskeleton