Easy Thaksgiving BRUSSEL Sprout Salad recipe

Today I present you with a healthy and easy brussel sprout salad recipe!

I’m in love with a Taurus (in other words, someone who LOVES to eat!), and if I don’t plan something for dinner, it often gets turned into a repetitive dinner of “noodles, meat, and vegetable”. If you’re anything like me and love new flavors, you understand how quickly eating the same meal over and over can get boring! So, here is a super easy, no brainer recipe for you to try! I direct this as a WARM salad, but you can easily leave it raw if desired.

This makes an excellent Thanksgiving side dish, and everyone will be barking up your tree on how you made something so delicious without taking on a headache! Please remember, I am not one to give many instructions when it comes to how much of each ingredient to use. but I will give estimates. I encourage you to use your judgement and allow your taste buds to direct you! This is a large part of the empowerment I instill in my clients and everyday friends. Enjoy and have fun!


  • Large quantity of brussel sprouts (roughly 2lb)

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVVO; roughly 5tbsp)

  • Balsamic Vinaigrette (roughly 2-4tbsp)

  • Fresh Lemon Juice (half juicy lemon squeezed)

  • Celtic Salt / Truffle Salt (a dash or two)

  • White Pepper (a dash or so)

  • Sliced Almonds or Crushed Walnuts (add however many desired)

  • Chopped Apple (chop as small, large, thin, thick)

  • Pomegranate Seeds (add as many as desired)

  • Shaved Parmesan (unpasteurized is best; optional)


  • Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F

    1. The Dressing

  • In a small bowl, add Balsamic vinaigrette, EVVO, lemon juice, salt, and white pepper. Whisk until mixed thoroughly. (Make enough to put on brussel sprouts prior to going into the oven, with enough left over to drizzle on top of the salad once done baking. Set aside

    2. The Brussel Sprouts + Fruit

  • Next, chop all of the brussel sprouts in halves or quarters, then add to an oven safe pan. Once added to pan, add enough of the dressing to entirely and evenly coat all brussel sprouts. Put in the oven and cook for 20 minutes uncovered. Stir at the 10 minute mark. Brussels should be tender and slightly crispy when done.

  • While the brussels are cooking, chop your apples into small chunks, add them to a small bowl, and drizzle with lemon juice. Then, take your pomegranate and “peel” the seeds into the same bowl.

    3. How to Serve

  • Once the brussel sprouts are complete, mix in the apples and pomegranates into the same oven pan or add everything into a new bowl. Chef’s choice. Once evenly tossed together, leave the nuts and shaved parmesan out for individual choosing, or throw it all into the pan or bowl. Again, Chef’s choice.

    (I plated these salads for dinner, and I added the nuts/shaved parmesan lightly on top of the salad)

    4. EAT & ENJOY!

  • That’s it! I hope it turned out delicious for you. Thanks for using this recipe :)


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