Energy? Vibration?Frequency? Manifestation?





Here’s what they mean (in my own context)


Energy is made out of Atoms.

Atoms are constantly vibrating, moving “fields” of energy / frequency patterns of information.

energy is “no thing” that comes together to form “some thing” (particles) upon your focus.

Ex: A quantum atom has a Nucleus, with an electron cloud that isn’t “bonded”, making it easy to shift shapes

A Vibration

"The analogous motion of the particles of a mass of air or the like, whose state of equilibrium has been disturbed through transmission"

The subatomic world is unique; an emergence of physical and energetic qualities. Matter (energy) on this level appears/reappears in 3 dimensions. flipping from particle (matter) to wave (energy) & back.

Dr. Joe Dispenza's take on QP: "Your (subjective) mind has an effect on your (objective) world. The "observer effect" in Quantum Physics (particles being in 2 places at the same time) states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy.

An Atom is made of 99.99999% energy

& .00001% physical subtance


"The state of being frequent;

re-occuring. At the subatomic level, there's the 'observer effect' that energy responds to.

The moment you put your attention on an object (electron), that electron will eventually come into your physical reality. This proves that your mind is made of energy, and energy has consciousness.

Ex: Observer Effect: 1. You + babe

2. Depending on the frequency of your desire; how often you think about a cat, talk about a cat, feel like you own a cat; the energy of a cat is being created.

3. Eventually, upon your decision, you will have cats appear everywhere you go / own a cat!


"to act, show, demonstrate, prove by one's acts or appearance"

In Quantum Physics, our world is an interconnected & unified space of information. The potential for everything and nothing to exisit is equal; it awaits a conscious observer (human) to influence energy into a specific, physical creation.

You've probably heard of someone "manifesting" a dream car, partner, experience into their life...

How do they do it?

In a very simple example...

Said person undergoes an intense, positive feeling (energy) when they see a certain car. They embody the feeling of what it would be like to own that vehicle (vibration). They focus on that car daily (frequency) with positivity (energy). Based on their beliefs, the car will appear in their life (manifestation)!

"Once you understand that your ego is your physical body, and your soul is the energy miraculously moving within it, you can invite the two to remerge;

you remember how to love them equally. Once again, you come back to living a seamless and unified life.

- Isabelle Wellman


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