Where your savings bring you

We travel the world not for glory-

Not for the "perfect" moments,

or the tasty food.

We travel in hopes of endless laughter, of the intangible growth that'll engulf us.

It's the desire of learning, in a peculiar, outdoor kinda way. Eagerly stopping other travelers to share ideas, as well as what gear they're using, and why they chose it.

Feeling connected to people based on where you've been, but more importantly where you haven't been.

It's the short, yet even sweeter harmony of the experiences you effortlessly make; the unforgettable stories, the people you begin to care about in a 'new' way.

It's the here and now.

There's always an option that can be done now.

The option to stop purchasing that 'large salted caramel latte' for $7.50 during your lunch break, or visiting a fast food drive thru every time you're out, where you'll spend an additional $5-$15.

It's understanding where you put your money, and what motivates you to spend that 'measly' $2 on a chocolate chip cookie, or if you'll stop and think about putting it into your travel savings.

Every simple dollar saved, will help get you where you want to go- whether it's a 37 night camping trip, or a "cross country" move into a new life.

Whatever it is you're saving for, acting now is going to get you there faster than acting later.


How to prevent overeating and weight gain


Energy? Vibration?Frequency? Manifestation?