5 Nervous System Regulation practices

With the holidays are coming up and the cold weather blowing in, our nervous systems are handling new levels of stress.

From wanting to please your parents with your latest achievements, to not disappointing the kiddos by the limited time you have to give during the day, everyone could use a relieving and stabilizing practice that they can utilize at anytime to slow down over-reacting.

Practice #1: Box Breathing

Left hand over the heart, right hand on the belly.

4x4 breath work technique:

Inhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds.

Repeat 4-8 rounds (or whatever feels best for you/whatever you have time for).


Affirmations: You are loved. You are brilliant. You are infinite in your power.

Practice #2: Grounding into the moment with your 5 senses

Intention - To bring you back into your body as you explore your inner world.

The 5 senses…

Name 5 things you can see

Name 4 things you can touch

Name 3 things you can hear

Name 2 things you can smell

Name 1 things you can taste


This is a practice to bring you back into your present moment reality.

With a kiddo? Invite them to participate and make this into a fun game to capture their focal point.

Affirmations: I am doing my best. My best is good enough. I am good enough.

Practice #3: Somatic Shaking

Cleanse your energy through SHAKING!

For 1 minute, shake the body by… dancing, moving in a powerful way, and allow all movement to be welcomed WITHOUT judgement.

Maybe this looks like stomping, maybe this looks like gorilla fisting a pillow with both hands, maybe this looks like twerking, or rocking yourself in your own hug.

There’s no right or wrong. Set a timer, or go for as long as you need.

Affirmations: I am in control of my body, my reality, and my choices. I am safe in this body. I trust my choices.

Practice #4: Power Stance

I invite you to stand in front of a mirror if possible, or in front of your front facing, phone screen camera (so you see your reflection!).

Stand with the feet wider than hips distance apart. Place your hands on your hips, and look at the strong human in the reflection!


Stay in this stance for a MINIMUM of 2 minutes.

I proooomise the world will not end ;)


Did you know…

While you look at yourself in this confidence stance, adding a fake smile will change the psychology of your brain and send out happy chemicals? It's true!


Try it on for size. 

Smile, giggle, deep belly laugh, and say POSITIVE words to yourself!

Affirmations: I am capable of anything and everything I set my mind to. I am healthy. I am strong. I am resilient.

Practice #5: Celebrate yourself

Celebrate 3 things you succeeded at so far today.


Maybe this looks like waking up, taking a walk outside, or getting the morning sun on your skin. Maybe it's getting the kids to bed without a fuss, or communicating your feelings with a friend or partner. Maybe it’s drinking water upon waking up, maybe it’s gathering the courage to ask for a promotion and getting it.


Whatever time of day it is, there's always something to celebrate!

Reflect upon your day so far and remind yourself of how amazing you are. Repeat throughout the day as necessary.

Affirmations: My life is a celebration. Even in moments I feel low or weak, I can celebrate my ability to see the brighter side. My life is glorious. My life is a blessing.

Enjoy these practices, and enjoy a holiday season full of minimizing your reactions to external stimuli!


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