90: Update your Inner-SOP and Push Past Discomfort


In this short and sweet inspirational episode, you'll be encouraged to update your inner-Standard Operating Procedure! Upgrading your inner-SOP is about taking small steps to to your long-game "goal", and the action starts with getting clear on your desired outcome, transparent with where you're at and what you need to do, and measuring your success against actions YOU have taken. Pushing through discomfort ultimately brings you to a new level of "comfort: simply by shifting your perspective of what is "hard" or "challenging" for you, because after repeated practice, your resilience will shine through. It's time to step fully into a fertile and foundational life; starting with the one choice to make a positive ripple effect in your corner of the world.

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91. Invitation into Sisterhood with Paulina and Tal


89: Get Unstuck: Your Numerology & Progressed Moon