91. Invitation into Sisterhood with Paulina and Tal


Sisterhood is often scary those of us who found it was safer to be a "tomboy", growing up. Yet, reclaiming trust in sisterhood is a potent medicine, and vital to the reconstruction of harmony in one's life.

You're invited to this expansive conversation which may widen your perspective on sisterhood, femininity, masculinity; essentially re-membering how coming into equiminity with union of self, and other, is the clear path towards a balanced way of life.

⁠Invitation to explore the Mana Yi Convergence here ⁠

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⁠IG: Tal⁠

⁠IG: Paulina⁠

⁠IG: Isabelle⁠

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92: Benefits of Electrolytes


90: Update your Inner-SOP and Push Past Discomfort