a no BS Pumpkin Muffin Recipe

Happy October!

Are you loving the crisp fall air and cozy vibes that are blowing in? I know I am! My Libra rising is extra extra excited (because Libra season IS all about the Fall activities and weather transition!)

I’ll cut to the chase- this is my GO TO Fall desert recipe. I’ve experimented with it in multiple ways, which was inspired by Sally’s Baking Addiction (check out the OG recipe here!).

I’m head over heels for how these muffins turn out just sweet enough, are denser VS crumby, and give you a little energy boost too!

Here’s the 411:

Prep - 10-15mins

Cook - 18 - 22mins

Total time - 28-45mins

Makes about 12 muffins

If you know me, I aim for organic, limited ingredient, humanely sourced ingredients. Take this recipe as a guiding light VS an “end all be all”. Feel free to listen to your gut and add a little more or less of anything below!

Ingredients (I personally like doing wet ingredients first, then dry. Call me a dare devil!)

Wet: (As you add in each ingredient, stir together before adding in the next, this has helped me get everything blended evenly by hand!)

  • 1/2 cup Unrefined Coconut Oil (heat in a pan on low heat, take out once liquid form. If too hot, it’ll harden into chunks and spread unevenly into random parts of the muffins. Testimony from personal experience lol)

  • 1/2 cup Dark Brown Sugar OR 2 smashed bananas OR Honey OR Maple Syrup! (I prefer the natural sweeteners)

  • 2 large Organic brown eggs

  • 1 1/2 cups canned Organic Pumpkin puree (Not pie filling!!! and ensure the ingredients on the can are just “Pumpkin”)

  • 1/4 cup Oat, Cashew, Almond, or Hazelnut milk (limited ingredient: Himalayan pink salt, filtered water, vanilla extract, and the oat/nut = best)

Dry Ingredients: (Pro Tip: Blend all dry ingredients together before adding it all to the wet, easier to achieve a balanced mix!)

  • 1 3/4 Almond Flour, Oat Flour, Buckwheat Flour

  • 1 tsp Baking Sode

  • A hearty amount of ground Cinnamon (at least 2 tsp- but the more the merrier!)

  • A hearty amount of Pumpkin Pie Spice (at least 2 TBS)

  • 1-3 tbs Hemp Seeds

  • 1-3 tbs Chia Seed

  • 1-2 tbs Flaxseed

  • 1 tsp ground ginger

  • 1/2 tsp Course salt

  • 1 bag a Dark Chocolate Chips, chopped walnuts, or chopped pecans optional (maybe even a little of all three!) I recommend using “Enjoy Life” brand morsels)

Cooking Directions:

  • Heat oven to 425

  • Mix all wet ingredients in a bowl, set aside

  • Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl

  • Pour dry ingredients into wet ingredients (or vice versa) and mix until even

  • Scoop into muffin liners OR oil up the muffin tin with coconut oil using a towel of your choice

  • Place in oven and cook for 5 minutes at 425, leave muffins in oven, and reduce heat to 350 for another 12-20mins

  • Check often with a toothpick until they’re cooked to your desire!

Store up to one week (or throw them in the freezer to last longer for another time!)



Isabelle’s Story


My interview with voyage utah magazine