Isabelle’s Story

I’m passionate about showing women how simple it is to live a healthy, cyclical, & purposeful lifestyle (because no one ever taught me!)

However, I wasn’t always living a healthy lifestyle myself.

This realization happened back in 2011-2012, when I was a wee 8th grader.

For context- I grew up a mega tomboy. No pink, no brushing my hair, no paint on my nails, nothing. The girliest thing I did was play with Bratz dolls! This also included sugar-filled slushies, playing hours of video games, and eating food that was nutrient-deficient. I remember the first time I noticed the “tummy” I had as a 8 or 9 year old… and trust me, I was never a “big kid” by any means. To this day I’m a towering 5’2” and around 115-120lbs. However, that moment was petrifying. Based on all of the MTV shows, beauty advertisements, and watching Tyra Banks “Next Top Model” with my mom and sister and hearing their opinions on the “skinny” girls or seeing them unhappy with their own bodies.. the subliminal messaging of what it meant to be a “desirable” woman impacted me.

As I grew older and started to get pulled into the toxic culture of being a pre-teen in a small Midwest town, it was a battle of status.

Who was the prettiest? Who had a boyfriend? Who had the nicest clothes? Who had a nice house? Gosh was growing up traumatizing.

Mind you, I was a rather shy kid growing up (as most Leo’s actually are!). My voice was hardly a squeak and I often kept my opinion to myself, because I wanted everyone to like me. It was easier to agree and pretend then state my thoughts and opinions. Pair that with the horrid FOMO I experienced if I missed out on a social event.. and wowza, would I throw the largest depressive tantrum if I had upset anyone along the way. I couldn’t handle being in my body. It was painful to know who I was or why I was here.

Why was growing up so hard? Well, to make it worse, I decided that I should develop an eating disorder, because that’s what all of the “pretty and popular” people did. At the same time, I was obsessed with over-working my body. That’s a destructive combo. I would run anywhere from 5-10 miles a day, participate in Julian Michaels or Insanity workout DVD’s at night, and eat as little as possible. It came down to the point of leaving lunch at school about 20 minutes before lunch was over. I was quiet to begin with, so no one noticed (at least that’s what I thought) my random absence (I will note I would sit at the “cool girl” table and be completely horrified of what everyone thought of me the entire time; my lack of self-confidence was like stepping foot into a toxic wasteland.) Until one day, my two closest friends at the time did notice. And upon releasing my currently consumed lunch into the bathroom toilet, there was screaming, crying, and “Isabelle, what are you doing!”. Then came the epiphany- there’a a better way.

Over the rest of that school year and summer, I was under reconstruction when it came to my relationship with my body, my mind, and my connection with whatever “higher source” controlled the world. Although my eating habits improved, they were extreme. I exercised more than I could breathe. I was hyper-focused on what would make me “desirable”. I was living for other people’s opinions of what I should be and who I should become. Can you imagine a tenth grader counting calories and being ridiculously rigid in what they ate? How much exercise they got in a day? That was me. Egg white, chicken breast, veggies. Wanting to be the best at every activity I could participate in. What a roller-coaster.

As the next couple years passed and I became a senior in HS, I hit a dramatic point in my life. Who in TF WAS I? I felt like my world was caving in on me. I was overwhelmed by AP classes I didn’t like being in, skipping the first hour of school everyday, missing and eventually getting kicked off of student council AND the National Honor Student group, losing friends, making new ones, falling in and out of love- by God it was a nightmare! On top of it, my parents weren’t able or going to help me with paying for college. Once I caught wind of that realization and sitting down to apply for a sally mae loan…. I said fuck that. I turned my back on my indecision of what I was going to be and who everyone else wanted me to become to go on my own journey. My heart screamed Colorado. A few of the older gals I looked up to in HS had fled that way, and so I took on the journey myself.

Breaking social normalities became my new favorite addiction. I radically transformed after making that life changing decision. BOOOO YAH!

Once I moved away from Michigan to frolic in the Rocky Mountains, I was bursting with happiness. Over those 5 years I would go through many deep, dark, happy, euphoric, disastrous lessons and memories.

Here’s a quick bullet point of the biggest moments I went through that I’ve shared over my other social media platforms. Why do I share? Because there’s a strength to being vulnerable about one’s life experiences. I know I learn best, and resonate at a deeper level, with those who are willing to go deep, be honest, and absolutely humble about not being a perfect human being. Maybe you’ve caught my drift that imperfection is something that ought to be highlighted more in this abstract life!

  • Moved to CO and started working as Mnt. Safety at Vail Resorts Keystone (where I made friends that became family)

  • Tried out for Ski Patrol and made it as the first <21 year old, female snowboarder to ever be chosen as apart of the team

  • Went to EMT school that Summer, fucked around, and FLUNKED all 3 tests that I was allowed to make Ski Patrol, and wasn’t able to Patrol (that sucked)

  • Started dating someone who I thought was “it”, moved to California for the Summer of 2017

  • Received a miracle scholarship to participate in my first Yoga Teacher Training to become a Certified 200hr RYT (Thanks YogaWorks!)

  • Was alone, horrible broke, and realizing my relationship wasn’t as secure as I thought when I found out I was pregnant and told to get an abortion

  • Found out some dark family stuff and realized my parents were finally getting their prolonged divorce

  • Moved back to CO and continued as a Ski School instructor, repressing the events from the summer of 2017 and pretending I was all good (wasn’t all good)

  • 2019 came and I was fed up with it all- broke up with that partner, started my initial “healing journey”, and first crack at “therapy” (an online course felt the best for me at the time)

  • Came clean about everything that was weighting on my conscious and moved away from Summit County in April of 2020

  • While the world was having a crazy panic about the C-word, I was starting to fall in love with myself and have the best year of my life

  • Called in the partner of my dreams and started a magical journey in conscious relationships, yet began having chronic UTI’s, Yeast Infections, and BV

  • Drove to Alaska by myself with Zenna May (my BC!) to live with this partner

  • I started my Training business, the Conscious Alignment Method and took on my first 5 clients

  • I started my Podcast, the Incredibelle Conversations Podcast

  • Got the IUD that was mandatorily put in when I received my abortion in 2017 out in the December of 2020

  • Went to my first Naturopath in AK after 8+ months on antibiotics and 8 doctor appointments that lead me back to the same issue (even after getting my IUD out)

  • Started womb work, tracking my menstrual cycle, and healed by chronic vaginal issues by going through the “Elimination Diet” and eating MUCH cleaner while supporting myself with an herbal tea given to me by my naturopath

  • Became a Certified Astrologer and NASM Personal Trainer in the Spring of 2021

  • Adopted mine and my partners second Border Collie, Elmer Spud

  • Lived “alone” for the first time and got in touch with who I was and who I was becoming, Spiritual Journey activated

  • Moved back to Michigan for the Summer of 2021- more mother and father wound healing, inner child healing, and introspection with my lineage

  • Found the power in daily mediation and haven’t stopped meditating or practicing breath work since

  • Drove myself, all of mine+my partners things and our 2 border collies back to Colorado to start living in a new way

  • Had 7 puppies in the back of a Lance Truck Camper as we lived on the road

  • A month after I had officially decided to become a mentor and use my talents as a trainer, astrologer, and yoga teacher to transform the lives of others as I had done with myself

  • Started my Membership that combined my love for transforming the lives of others through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual connection

  • Finally decided to RENT again!

and NOW I am in a resting space within Nevada. A huge shift and groundedness has taken place.

Everyday presents a new challenge in growth, how I can be of best service to this universe, and how I can move forward.

I pray that I am able to show others that by listening to their bodies and treating them well will give them the energy and strength to show up for all that life has to offer. Because if I can do it, so can you. I pray that I can show others how they can have their energy back in order to begin their own healing journey whether that’s forgiving any events from childhood, overcoming chronic illnesses, or believing that they too can live the life of their dreams. Because if I can, why not you?

This is just a story of a small Midwest town girl learning that life is so much simpler when we peer through the veil. When we love above all else. When we see beyond the “social normalities” that have been created in this US culture. There is so much more beyond what the eye can see… and it all starts with learning how to feel again.

I thank you for reading my life’s very quickly laid out story thus far. Regardless of how you feel about some of the decisions I’ve made or experiences I’ve undergone, isn’t a concern to me. Judgement is a poison to the perceiver, and often times is one of the best mirrors to reflect back where in yourself you have built in shame, guilt, fear, anger, etc etc…

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - RUMI


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a no BS Pumpkin Muffin Recipe