The Power of Vitamin C

What’s the power of Vitamin C and why should you add this supplement to your daily habit stack?

This winter season is perhaps the first I feel completely taken care of and “at home” in myself, and having this “security” in myself has helped my immune system BIG TIME this fall into winter season. Regardless of how bulletproof I’ve felt, it’s the season of ICK going around and I’ve leaned heavily into my supplement and tea stash to keep me moving and groovin!

Diving into the power of Vitamin C:

It’s important to understand above all else, we ALL have unique and different needs when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Someone who’s living day to day in a warmer, sunny environment will need different supplements than someone living in a colder, less sunny environment (particularly in the Winter!)

A common denominator of becoming depleted in vitamins in general is high stress; and let’s consider how “stressed” people often become during the colder months in the Northern hemisphere, especially during “the holiday season”. The most common Vitamin for the body to become depleted in due to elevated stress levels? Vitamin C!

I am citing the following information from the book “All Women are Healers” by Diane Stein, she speaks to how the FDA slashes the RDA (recommended Daily Amount) of vitamins and minerals to an amount that is typically unsupportive.

Here is the following information revolving around Vitamin C:

RDA Adult Amount: 60Mg

Recommended for Women of Average weight for the following age groups":

Recommended for ages 22-25: 1,000-5,000Mg

Recommended for ages 36-60: 1,000-5,000Mg

Recommended for ages 60+: 1,000-5,000Mg

Multi-Vitamins (that are bio-active/fruit-extracted) are generally going to work better in the body, unless you know which Vitamins need what other “substances” to give you the best results. For example, Vitamin C can quickly transit through the body through Urine. When taking Vitamin C, look for one that contains bioflavonoids (Vitamin P, or Vitamin C-Complex) to help in “slow release” of it through your system.

Other benefits of taking Vitamin C during the fall and winter seasons (especially for Women):

  • Whisk stress away with an adequate amount of Vitamin C! Vitamin C is an Anti-stress vitamin. Remember, a minimum of 1,000 MG of Vitamin C in a bioactive form (either bought as C-complex or with Vitamin P added) is needed.

  • It protects Women from toxins and pollutants with it’s antioxidant and antitoxin properties.

  • It’s 1 of the 4 vitamins women are often most deficient in, hanging out with Iron, Calcium, and B-2/riboflavin)

  • Lessens the likelihood of colds, especially if 1,000 Mg is taken every hour on the first sign of a cold coming.

  • It’s extremely hard to take “too much” Vitamin C as it’s water soluble; signs of excess VC are: skin rash, nausea, and diarrhea. Make sure to drink plenty of water when consuming high doses of VC, and increase magnesium either in supplement or food form. If taking high doses for more than a couple days, also take a Vitamin B-Complex and Calcium supplement to aid in digestion.

  • Ensure your health practitioner is aware you take vitamin C, especially when getting labs done, for it can alter some results.

  • Among it’s many benefits, it also fights bacterial and viral infections, colds, tonsillitis, ear infections, and helps fight against gum disease. It can help to prevent/treat hepatitis, polio, diabetes, cataracts, eye infections, allergeies/sinus problems, ulcers, UTI’s, gallstones, and even back issues.

  • It improves blood circulation, prevents high blood pressure cholesterol, athero, arteriosclerosis, reduces blood clots/phlebitis, and strengthens blood vessel walls.

    • The Above information has been citied from Chapter 7, Vitamins and Minerals, “All Women Are Healers” by Diane Stein


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